Let’s Talk Mental Health survey

In 2019 the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership made its plans for Adult Mental Health and Children and Young People’s Mental Health. Since then, we’ve all lived through the Covid pandemic which has led to a significant increase in needs  for mental health support.

There are now proposals to bring the NHS closer together in partnership with other organisations to improve the lives of people who live and work in their area.

Considering these changes, Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System want to make sure that the plans put in place in 2019 based on what people told them still meet the needs of the people of Norfolk and Waveney. And they want to hear your views.

Do the plans still meet today’s needs?

What have your experiences been when you needed mental health care and support?

You can read about and take part in the survey online. Clicking this link will take you to the short survey. Your responses will be used to help us understand if the priorities are still correct and adapt plans for improvement going forward if necessary.

There is also an Easy read version of the survey avaible whcih can be downloaded and completed by clicking the button below.

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