Conversations Matter – Norfolk County Council want to know what Social Care means to you


Adult social care covers a wide range of activities to enable people to live independently, stay well and safe.

Promoting Independence is the term used by Norfolk County Council to describe their vision for social care.  Norfolk County Council want to support people to be independent, well, and able to deal with life’s challenges and they want to talk to you about how we will do this.

You may have heard about Adult Social Care in the news, and some of the challenges it faces. Norfolk has a changing and growing population so we must plan for our services to be long-lasting and financially stable.

With your help, Norfolk County Council wants to update their strategy for Social Care in Norfolk. They want to hear from you as we passionately believe that ‘Conversations Matter’.

How can you get involved?

The online questionnaire will be live between Wednesday 28th June and Friday 1st September.  There will also be a range of engagement activities available over the summer and into the autumn. So, there will be lots of opportunities to be involved, you can:

  • Complete the online questionnaire or pick up a paper copy at a library
  • Attend a drop-in session in a local library
  • Be part of a focus group or one-to-one conversations
  • You can use the toolkit to organise your own workshop

British Sign Langauge Video explaining all about the Conversations Matter initiative

Easy Read version of the survey can be read below or downloaded here

You can complete the online survey by clicking here

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