Hands holding up two spech bubles, one is orange the other Green, There are both blank

On this page, you will find a list of current co-production and engagement opportunities that you can get involved with to help shape and develop services for Autistic people.

To be kept up-to-date with future co-production and engagement opportunities please click here to register your interest

Current co-production and engagement opportunities


In Person

Mental Health Research Priorities

The research team at the University of East Anglia are asking people with lived experience of Mental Health difficulties for their views on the priorities for Mental Health Research.
They have three focus groups that you can be involved with:

Mental Health Research Poster

Adults Focus Group
Family Carers Focus group
Young Person Focus Group

Click on the focus group you are interested into register your interest.


Autism Strategy Oversight group

We are looking for 2 people (Autistic or Parent/Carers) to join our Autism Strategy Oversight Group.
Meetings will be monthly until Oct 24 then every 2 months after that.
These meetings will be held over Microsoft Teams.

What we will do together:

  • review the partners’ plans
  • consider any issues or gaps in the plans
  • review the partners’ updates to monitor their progress
  • report on progress and highlight any risks or issues to the NAPB

If Interested please email : contact@norfolkautismpartnership.org.uk


In Person

Community Engagement Sessions: Adult Social Services

Norfolk County Council’s Adult Social Services
welcome your comments, complaints and compliments to help us improve our services and put things right if they go wrong.

They have a online feedback form you can use or they are running in person sessions at local libaries until September 2024.



Online Survey on Age-Related Differences in Physical Activity Levels, Physical Activity Preferences, Mental Health, and Quality of Life among Autistic Adults

Researchers at the University of Greenwich and King’s College London are looking for volunteers to take part in a new research study, which aims to identify three things: (1) do physical activity levels and mental health/ well-being vary with age in autistic adults? (2) Is there a relationship between physical activity levels and mental health/ well-being in autistic adults? And (3) If there is a relationship between physical activity and mental health, do autonomic nervous system function and sensory processing help to explain this relationship in autistic adults?

We are looking for participants, aged 18-65, with a clinical diagnosis of autism, who are fluent in English and have not had an acute or chronic illness or injury within the past 3 months that would cause a medical professional to advise limited physical activity to take part in our study. 

Survey open until 31st December 2024


Therapeutic Practice and Autism Survey

This is a student research project looking into Therapeutic Practices and Autism.
You need to be over the age of 16 and be autistic or suspect you may be autistic. You do not need to have used any therapeutic services either.

Survey closes 1st October 2024

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