The Norfolk Autism Partnership Board
The Board makes decisions to drive the work of developing the partnerships’ response to the autism strategy. It meets bi-monthly to inform and implement an action plan to deliver the local autism strategy, ‘My Autism, Our Lives, Our Norfolk’.

The Board constantly seeks to raise awareness of autism within the wider community and works to help autistic people to be fully included in society.
The All-age Norfolk Autism Partnership Board (NAPB) is a partnership of autistic people, their parents/carers, autism service providers, and voluntary and statutory organisations.
The Board itself is inclusive, ensuring the active participation of a wide range of experts by experience, parents and carers.
The Norfolk Autism Partnership Board takes feedback from the Autism Norfolk Forum and deliver plans to several different working groups. The Norfolk Autism Partnership Board particularly aims to influence the local authority and NHS commissioners to develop improved services for children, young people and adults who have or may be autistic.
Working with autistic people, the NAPB have co produced a local autism strategy. It sets out how support and services need to develop in Norfolk.
Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024-2029 – Summary
Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024-2029 – Full Strategy
Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024-2029 – Easy Read
To find out more information on how the startegy was developed pelase Click Here
Norfolk Autism Partnership Board Minutes of Meeting
To view the minutes of the Norfolk Autism Partnership Board please click here.
To view the Norfolk Autism Partnership Boards terms of reference please go to governance.